Seeing the scene of Afghanistan, the eyes of the soldiers who were considered tough have also become moist. His tears are not stopping. He wants to help everyone, but knows that this is not possible. This compulsion has disturbed them even more. Women are crying out for help at Kabul airport.

Kabul: There is a stampede in Afghanistan after the occupation of Taliban. A large number of Afghans are reaching the airport in the hope that someone might take them out of the country. Thousands of people, including women and children, are present outside Kabul airport. There is shouting everywhere. Afghan women are weepingly begging American and British soldiers (US and British Troops) to save their lives. Seeing this sight, even the eyes of the tough soldiers are moist. His tears are not stopping.
Women are crying crying According to the report of 'The Sun', Kabul Airport is currently occupied by American and British troops (US, British Troops), while the Taliban are stationed outside. Women arriving at the airport hoping to leave Afghanistan are in the worst condition. They are crying out to the soldiers to save their lives, but it is not possible for the soldiers to help every person. Due to this helplessness and helplessness, the soldiers are also sad and their sorrow is coming out in the form of tears.
Tears spilled in Soldier's eye
Afghan women have also been forced to hand over their children to others to protect them. Women are throwing children at the soldiers from above the barbed wire at the airport gate. On Wednesday, when a woman threw her little girl over the wires, she was caught by a British soldier standing on the other side. Seeing this helplessness of the mother, tears also came in the eyes of the soldier.