The Taliban is selectively killing even innocent children. Former Afghanistan Interior Minister Masood Andarabi has exposed the brutality of the Taliban by tweeting. He has also shared a picture of some children. The former minister has said that the Taliban wants to rule the people by terrorizing them.

Kabul: After the occupation of Afghanistan, the Taliban are not only oppressing women and girls, they are also brutally killing small children. Former Interior Minister of Afghanistan Masood Andarabi has made this claim. He has also shared pictures of children allegedly being killed by the Taliban on his social media account. Andarabi said the Taliban was trying to rule the people by terrorizing Afghans, killing young children and elderly civilians.
Taliban Searching Houses According to the ‘Mirror’ report, Masood Andarabi has tweeted that the Taliban is trying to rule the people by terrorizing people, killing young children and elderly civilians. Used to be. The Taliban is conducting unreasonable searches of people’s homes in Andrab, capturing them for no reason and killing innocent civilians. In which children are also included.

Imams making list of girls Andarabi said that due to the brutality of Taliban, people have to take up arms to protect their life, honour, dignity and property. The former home minister also told that the imams of the areas that the Taliban have occupied, have been asked to make a list of girls and women between the ages of 12 and 45. So that he can marry his fighters with them. He said the insurgency against the Taliban would never end. People persecuting him will continue to raise their voices.