A dragon suddenly appeared in front of a woman shopping in a supermarket in Sydney. The python was hiding in the stall of the supermarket. The woman did not panic after seeing the python, but along with the staff of the supermarket got her caught.

Sydney: Most of the people of the world are afraid of snakes. What would you do if a snake or python suddenly appeared in front of you? Most people will get scared or run away making noise. One such incident has come to light from Australia, where a woman was shopping in a super market, when suddenly a python came in front of her.
According to the news published in The Guardian, this case is from Sydney, the capital of Australia. While a woman named Helaina Alati was shopping in a supermarket, she saw glowing eyes. When the woman looked closely, these eyes turned out to be of a Diamond Python species. Seeing this sight, the woman was blown away but she acted courageously and informed the matter to the supermarket staff.