Update on Aug 6, 1:4 pm ist
Chinese, Tagalog (Philippine language), Vietnamese, Korean and Hindi are the most spoken languages.
Hindi is the fifth largest language among citizens of Asian descent living in America. John Yang, executive director of the Asian American Advancing Justice (AAJC) body, has given this information to Senate members, the Department of Home Defense and the Government Affairs Committee.
According to Yang, two-thirds of America's Asian Americans are immigrants. While Chinese, Tagalog (Philippine language), Vietnamese, Korean and Hindi are the most spoken languages.
He pointed out that 52% of immigrants have limited understanding of English. This is called Limited English Proficiency (LEP). Among Chinese immigrants, LEP is 66%, Philippine 35%, Vietnam 72% Korean 64% and Indians 29% lowest.
In this sense, Indians are considered better than other Asian-Americans in English. At the back were immigrants from Myanmar, where the LEP rate was 79%.
Faced the most challenges in the pandemic Yang pointed out that Asian-Americans suffered the most health and financial woes during the pandemic. He also faced increased hatred towards people of Asian descent. According to a recent US survey, Asian Americans and Black-Americans faced the most, 31% of hate-based crimes. White citizens accounted for 8% of such crimes.