Corona positive women spit on food items worth 25 lakhs, shouting that she is corona positive. After this the supermarket had to throw these food items. Now the court has sentenced the woman to 2 years imprisonment.
Pennsylvania: When the whole world is in fear due to the Kovid Pandemic, all efforts are being made to avoid it, at the same time a shocking news has come. A woman has been sentenced to 2 years in America because she tried to spread Kovid infection to many people. This attempt of the woman was very dangerous and abominable. In a supermarket in Pennsylvania, a woman intentionally spit on food and coughed up phlegm, claiming that she had the coronavirus.
March 2019 case In March last year, this woman named Margaret Ann Circo intentionally spat and sneezed while eating food at Gerrity's supermarket in Pennsylvania, US. Photos of this incident were shared on social media. According to the report of NBC News, now the woman has been sentenced to 2 years imprisonment and after that she will have to undergo 8 years of probation.
was shouting – you all will die According to the news, when the woman was infecting the food items, she was shouting that I have corona and now all of you will also die. After this there was an atmosphere of panic in the supermarket. This woman, who was very drunk, was thrown out of the supermarket. While sentencing him, the court said that this is a very serious matter.
Had to throw 25 lakh food After this incident, the supermarket had to throw away food worth 35 thousand dollars i.e. about 25 lakh rupees. As a result, Margaret was also ordered to pay $30,000 to the supermarket.