Updated Fri, 06 Aug 2021 12: 55 pm IST
Goods trains started running on the third railway line between Jhansi Babina

Jhansi. Trains started operating on the third railway line between Jhansi and Babina from Thursday. First of all, Ballabhgarh special goods train was run from Babina to Jhansi. The second goods train was sent from Jhansi. Now the speed of passenger trains will improve due to getting a separate corridor (railway track) for goods train operation. On July 28, Chief Safety Commissioner Mohammad Latif Khan inspected the third line (25.35 km) laid between Jhansi and Babina. During the inspection the tracks were checked by running the engine at a speed of 110 kmph. The Chief Safety Commissioner has issued the certificate to start operation on the new line. This cleared the way for trains to run on the new line. On Thursday, Ballabhgarh special goods train going from Bina to Tundla was brought from the new line to Jhansi. During this, the speed of the goods train was kept at 60 kilometers per hour.After the arrival of this goods train, an empty goods train from Jhansi was sent towards Bina. Due to the new line, the drivers operated the goods train under the supervision of the loco inspector.
Now from this line, goods trains will be able to go directly towards the warehouse, they will not have to change the tracks in the yard. This will save time and improve operation. There is a separate line for goods trains. Second, trains often have to be stopped to repair the tracks. For this a block has to be taken for a long time. With the new line this problem will no longer be there. If the punctuality of goods trains is improved, the goods will reach on time. In the event of an accident, the third railway line can serve as an alternative. drivers will be trainedAt present, the drivers do not have the experience of driving on the new line. They do not know where the signals will be found on the way. Due to this, now the drivers will be trained one by one to operate the trains on the new line.