In Lucknow, the case of Ola driver beating up by a girl at Barabirwa crossroads of Krishnanagar had become a topic of discussion across the country. Now a drunken girl created a ruckus in Vikasnagar at midnight. The girl was creating a ruckus by accusing a woman and two accomplices. The girl was asking for help from the people while creating a ruckus on the beach road in Vikas Nagar area late at night.
In Lucknow, the case of Ola driver beating up by a girl at Barabirwa crossroads of Krishnanagar had become a topic of discussion across the country. Now a video of a drunken girl creating a ruckus has surfaced in Vikasnagar at midnight.
The girl was asking for help from the people while creating a ruckus on the beach road in Vikas Nagar area late at night. He had alleged that the brother of his Facebook friend drove the car on his leg. People informed Vikas Nagar police about this. Seeing the condition of the girl, people tried to make a video, then the intoxicated girl hit her hand on the mobile.
The girl was seen speaking in the video that she had gone to a party with friends, where she was tricked into drinking alcohol. Thereafter, an attempt was made to sexually assault her. When the police asked the girl to file a complaint in writing, she left the spot.
When higher officials came to know about the video in the morning, a report was summoned from Vikasnagar police station. Inspector-in-charge Anand Tiwari said that the girl did not make a written complaint.In Lucknow, the case of Ola driver beating up by a girl at Barabirwa crossroads of Krishnanagar had become a topic of discussion across the country. Now a drunken girl created a ruckus in Vikasnagar at midnight. The girl was creating a ruckus by accusing a woman and two accomplices. The girl was asking for help from the people while creating a ruckus on the beach road in Vikas Nagar area late at night.