Is good news for citizens, once again, the prices of petrol and diesel has been cut. Although Delhi is not much advantage to those who will get it.
Per liter in petrol and diesel prices, the central government has cut two bucks. The reduction in the levy to be charged at the local level is not included. Government oil companies on behalf of the month in the prices of petrol and diesel is the second cut.
Reduced rates of petrol and diesel has come into effect from Wednesday midnight. The effect of decreased prices of petrol and diesel in the country but Arvind Kejriwal said the VAT rate hike from the government to the people of the capital because of the cuts will not benefit.
The Delhi government budget after Kejriwal major blow to the people of Delhi inflation increased VAT on petrol and diesel. The rise in their prices. Although fuel prices in the country from falling into the pockets of the people of Delhi will not hurt much.