Brain stroke causing paralysis (Paralysis) patients also lives will be saved. King George Medical University (KJMU) Thrombotic treatment for patients in the Neurology Department has launched.
The Trauma center within three hours of having a stroke patient arriving and will be saved from further losses. But this treatment the patient would cost Rs 60 thousand.
Head of the Department of Neurology Prof. Kejiamayu. RK Garg said patients body part to weakness or paralysis, facial paralysis, difficulty speaking, sudden vision in one eye are a few problems.
If such symptoms in patients who were transported to the hospital within three hours and it can be saved from further losses. Brain stroke, TIA, these early symptoms (Trijent Iskimik attack) is called, but these symptoms are temporary or short position may be serious negligence.
Such patients are given an injection of blood clots sinker. The patient’s blood clotting process is stopped and the patient does not reach the brain damage.
Stroke patient who is injected Rs 60 is its price. A resident of the Department of Neurology at the trauma center 24-hour stays.
The resident in the Department of Medicine provides treatment to patients of the stroke. No patients treated within three hours of the stroke to the trauma center reaches its family members the injection is given information and treatment is begun. Now this company has been providing injection directly.
• Please provide a blood pressure check
• Get regular blood sugar checks
• Avoid fatty foods
• Daily Exercise
The cause of stroke
High blood pressure, smoking, obesity,
Diabetes, physical activity reduced symptoms
Unbearable headaches and fainting, sudden curvature of the face, difficulty in eating, difficulty in speaking or voice go off, you see two things come to a place, falter, arms and legs suddenly stop working
What is Brain stroke
Head of the Department of Neurology Prof. Kejimuy. RK Garg vessels delivering blood clot in the brain accumulates. It does not reach the brain blood and oxygen to meet him is closed. If the part of the brain does not get the blood to the cells seem to be destroyed. This part of that part running stop working.