Jhansi. BSNL to three thousand two hundred sixty two million bucks a mobile number is sold. BSNL No. E – were sold through auctions. This is by far the Uttar Pradesh (East) is the most expensive number.
BSNL consumers through e-auction is a chance to get your favorite VIP mobile numbers. Under this procedure, BSNL mobile number 7839999999 three thousand two hundred sixty two million sold at Rs. Jhansi Tulsidas e – auction system, seventy-eight thousand three hundred million bucks to capture the unique number by bit. An additional 14 percent tax to be paid. Our telecom officer (Commercial) Anil Kumar Tiwari BSNL UP (East) is by far the most expensive in the history of the number.
The June 15 BSNL has free incoming roaming. Since then, the trend towards increased consumer BSNL. The corporation portable mobile number to mobile customer service centers and new SIM crowd has plenty of takers.